Welcome to my new website. Im Fernando Tuya Cortés
Fernando Tuya
Associate Professor
Head of the Biodiversity and Conservation (BIOCON) group, IU-ECOAQUA, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain https://www.ecoaqua.eu/es/biocon.html
and education
Associate Professor, University of Las Palmas de G.C., 2016-nowdays
I3 Researcher in Marine Sciences, University of Las Palmas de G.C., 2015
“Ramón y Cajal” tenure-track position, University of Las Palmas de G.C., 2010-2015
Auxiliar investigator, CIIMAR, University of Porto, Portugal, 2009-2010
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Edith Cowan University, Australia, 2006-2008
Postdoctoral Researcher, ICCM, Spain, 2003-2005
PhD in Marine Sciences with Extraordinary Award, University of Las Palmas de G.C., July 2002
Post-graduate Fellow, University of Las Palmas de G.C., 1998-2002
Coastal community ecology across the globe’s oceans
My research is motivated by the necessity of pursuing for models that explain patterns of organization and functioning of marine biota across scales of space, time and taxonomy, with a particular interest on those nearshore habitats underpinned by ‘foundation’ species, particularly seagrasses and macroalgae (e.g., brown seaweeds), including a recent interest on rhodoliths. I particularly aim to connect responses from physiological, to population and ecosystem levels, with a larger attention on ecological patterns and processes at large scales. This is brining my current attention to marine macroecology and biogeography. I hope to transfer ecological knowledge to the sustainable management of marine ecosystems to promote conservation of the marine realm.
I aim to transfer knowledge on marine biodiversity of the Canary Islands and Macaronesia to the general public by means of the publication of popular books and booklets on a range of topics, from guides to species description and identification to understanding the basic biology of nearshore habitats.
Tuya, F. et al. 2019. Biogeography modulates seagrass resistance to small-scale perturbations. J Ecology 107:1263–1275.
Manent, P.,…, & Tuya, F. 2020. Long-term seagrass degradation: Integrating landscape, demographic, and genetic responses. Aquat Cons Mar Fresh Ecos.
Tuya, F., et al. 2021. Partitioning resilience of a marine foundation species into resistance and recovery trajectories.Oecologia 196, 515-527.
Bosch, N.E.,…, & Tuya, F. 2021. Niche and neutral assembly mechanisms contribute to latitudinal diversity gradients in reef fishes. J Biogeogr 48: 2683-2698
Martínez-Crego, B., …, & Tuya, F. 2021. Driving factors of biogeographical variation in seagrass herbivory. STOTEN 758: 143756.
Tuya, F., et al. 2022. Coastal sharks and rays in the Northeastern Atlantic: From an urgent call to collect more data to the declaration of a marine corridor. Global Ecol Cons 38: e02261.
Tuya, F. et al. 2023. Levelling-up rhodolith-bed science to address global-scale conservation challenges. STOTEN 892: 164818.
Tuya, F., et al. 2024. Larger distribution ranges of seagrasses towards the equator. J Biogeogr 51, 350-355
Tuya, F., et al. 2024. Strong phylogenetic signal and models of trait evolution evidence phylogenetic niche conservatism for seagrasses. J Ecol 112: 446-460.
Composition, distribution and supply of ecosystem services and resilience of rhodolith beds across an oceanic archipelago (PID2021-124257OB-I00). Financial support: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Plan Nacional)
Hacia una nueva metodología para el estudio de funciones y servicios ecosistémicos de hábitats submarinos. Financial support: Gobierno de Canarias.
Compresión holística del funcionamiento y resiliencia de una fanerógama marina a perturbaciones locales: de escalas moleculares a escalas biogeográficas (CGL2014-58829-C2-1-R, subprograma BOS). Financial support: Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Plan Nacional).
Changes in submersed vegetation: assessing how ecosystems services shift from frondose to depauperate systems dominated by opportunistic seaweeds. Financial support: EU (BEST call: Scheme for Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Territories of the EU Outermost Regions and Oversees Countries and Territories).
Respuesta de la biota intermareal a perturbaciones humanas: efecto de la eutrofización en el marco del actual contexto climático (CGL2011-23833, subprograma BOS). Financial support: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.
Respuesta de la fanerógama marina Cymodocea nodosa y su biota asociada a estresores ambientales: una aproximación experimental para garantizar su conservación (CGL2010-18545, subprograma BOS). Financial support: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación.
Dispersión de materia orgánica en granjas de acuicultura: desarrollo de un modelo matemático para garantizar su sostenibilidad ambiental (MAC/3/C136). Financial support: EU (Programa de Cooperación Trasnacional MAC 2007-2013).